Monday, April 5, 2010

Top Ten Superfoods for Weight Loss

Wanna eat your way to beautiful skin? Check out these 10 Superfood groups to support a healthy weight loss and management program straight from Dr. Perricone:

Super Food Groups

Each group is followed by a list of its primary functions in fighting weight gain, and the “STAR” and “Runners Up” foods in it.

Rich Cold-Water Fish: Anti-inflammatory Omega-3 Fats
TOP CHOICE: Wild Alaskan Salmon
Runners up: Sablefish, Sardines, Anchovies, Herring, North Atlantic Mackerel, Trout, Tuna

Favorite Fruits: Fiber, Anti-inflammatory Antioxidants, and other Phytonutrient Obesity-Fighters
TOP CHOICES: Apples, Grapefruit
Runners up: Berries, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Prunes, Cherries, Oranges

“Back to Mono” Fruits: Fiber, Anti-inflammatory Antioxidants, Anti-inflammatory/Anti-Adiposity Fats, and other Phytonutrient Obesity-Fighters
Runners up: Olives, Coconut, Acai

Hot Calorie Burners: Anti-inflammatory Antioxidants, Fiber, and other Phytonutrient Obesity-Fighters
TOP CHOICE: Chili Peppers
Runners up: Cayenne, chili powder

Nuts and Seeds: Fiber, Anti-inflammatory Fats, and other Phytonutrient Obesity-Fighters
TOP CHOICE: Sesame Seeds and Sesame Butter (Tahini)
Runners up: Flaxseed, Walnuts, Cashews, Filberts, Pumpkin seed, Hemp seed

Low-Fat Probiotic Dairy Foods: Nutriceutical Obesity-Fighters
TOP CHOICE: Low-Fat Yogurt
Runners up: Low-Fat Kefir, Low-Fat Probiotic Milk

Beans (legume family): Fiber, Anti-inflammatory Antioxidants and other Nutriceutical Obesity-Fighters
TOP CHOICES: Chana Dal (AKA Bengal gram dal or chholar dal), Lentils, Chickpeas, Mung Beans, Hummus (chickpea puree)
Runners up: Kidney Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, Black Beans

Heritage Whole Grains: Fiber, Anti-inflammatory Antioxidants, and other Phytonutrient Obesity-Fighters
Runners up: Hull-less Barley, Buckwheat

Spicy Sugar-Stabilizers: Anti-inflammatory Antioxidants and other Phytonutrient Obesity-Fighters
TOP CHOICES: Cinnamon, Turmeric
Runners up: Cloves, Fenugreek

Anti-inflammatory Vegetables: Fiber, Anti-inflammatory Antioxidants, and other Phytonutrient Obesity-Fighters
TOP CHOICES: Spinach, Kale, Chard, Collards, Root Vegetable Greens (Turnip, Mustard, Beet)
Runners up: Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli Florets, Broccoli Sprouts, Bell Peppers, Onion-Garlic (Allium)

Family, Eggplant, Green or Red Cabbage (red has the higher anti-oxidant potential), Aromatic Culinary Herbs (e.g., parsley, mint, rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano), Lettuces (various types), Wheat and Barley Grasses, Blue-Green Algae and Spirulina
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